TRYOUTS for the 2023-2024 season

Juneau youth third grade and up are invited to try out to become a Juneau Jumper! No need to sign up, just come by the gym.

Tryouts will span the following Mondays and Wednesdays in November:

11/6, 11/8, and 11/13 
4:00-6:00 pm
Marie Drake Gymnasium

We encourage any curious jumper to attend. Even those who don’t have the experience needed to pass off the qualifications will benefit greatly from the guidance and reassurance of our wonderful team. Prospective jumpers have the most success when they attend all three sessions and practice troublesome requirements in between tryout days. Don’t worry if you don’t understand a trick; you will have a seasoned Jumper there to help you as you go! Feel free to bring a favorite jumprope or use a JJ give-away rope upon arrival!

Below are videos and descriptions of each requirement:

5 consecutive double unders

The rope must pass under the jumper’s feet twice in one jump. Jumpers must perform 10 in a row without any single bounces in between. Below, Maddie begins with two single jumps before performing her double unders.

1 leg over (either side)

Below, Kiah demonstrates all three necessary jumps involved: (1) a leading single bounce, (2) a right-sided leg over (with right arm above the leg and left arm below), and (3) a final single bounce.

30 second speed (with 1 mistake or less)

NOTE: Both the right and left foot must jump over their own revolutions of the rope, as demonstrated below. However, only the right foot is counted. A jumper who has a score of 80 actually jumped their rope 160 times.

Single rope sequence

4 single bounces / 2 stall jumps / 2 swing kicks / 2 stall wallows

Double dutch entries and exits

3 consecutive, immediate entries (1st and 2nd are shoot-throughs, 3rd is a same-side exit)

More information about the team, costs, and practice commitments will be provided on the first day of tryouts. Please don’t hesitate to email our coaches at

Interested in jump rope but not ready to commit to Juneau Jumpers? Check to see if your elementary school has an afterschool program!

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